Accessible Android Smart Phones

WHAT: Webinar “What you need to know before purchasing and successfully Eyes-Free and/or Screenreader Enabling an Android Smartphone”

WHEN: January 20, 2010 at 2 PM Eastern

WHO: Presented by Steve Jacobs, CEO of Apps4Android and President of IDEAL Group, Inc.

COST: Free! To register, visit this EASI Webinar form.

Why: Apps4Android  is an IDEAL Group subsidiary corporation dedicated to developing free/low-cost, high-quality, Android applications that enhance the quality-of-life, independence, and employability of individuals with disabilities.

In November, Apps4Android became the world’s largest user of Google’s Text-to-Speech Library. Google developer’s use Apps4Android’s Speaking Pad application to test their new voices before releasing them to market. Since its inception on January 17, 2009, Apps4Android has built a customer-base of over 400,000 users in 30+ countries.

Apps4Android’s Assistive Technology Applications include:
iAugcomm: $4.99 IDEAL Group’s Augmentative Communication application
is designed to enhance the communications abilities of people who are
unable to speak. iAugComm provides a symbol-based method of communication
that uses the Text-To-Speech (TTS) library for Android.
Ask Eindroid: $0.99 A speech recognition, text-to-speech-based
applications that enables its users to ask and get answers to questions
about stocks, sports, the news, math, airline flights, restaurants and much
more with no more effort from you than simply speaking to it.
Better Voices For Cupcake: $0.99 Provides higher quality voices for
user of Android smartphones running version 1.5 of Android (Cupcake). This
makes all of a users talking applications sound better in English (US &
UK), Italian, German, French, and Spanish.
SMSpeaker and Talking caller ID Bundle: $0.99 Automatically announces the
number calling you, the name of the caller (if entered into your address
book) as well as SMS messages. Many features.
The IDEAL Android Accessibility Wizard: Free The objective of IDEAL’s
Android Accessibility Wizard project is to eliminate the complexity of
working through the variables, described on to enable end-users and retail store
personnel to quickly, easily and successfully activate and install
eyes-free and screenreading capabilities on any Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile
and possibly AT&T (not yet decided) Android smartphones manufactured by
Samsung, HTC, Motorola and others.

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