2010 Center for Assistive Technology Poster Retreat & Innovation Networking Session
WHAT: Information‐sharing and networking event for individuals interested in learning more and advancing the diverse and rewarding field of assistive technology.
WHEN: March 26, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
WHERE: Discovery Park, Mann Hall at Purdue University
WHY: To foster discussions regarding what is being done, what could be done, and raise awareness of the sciences and skills applicable to advancing assistive technologies.
WHO: Any faculty, student, researcher, entrepreneur with interests that may support, empower, or advance assistive technologies or devices.
Open to anyone who would like to attend with or without a poster display.
To register a poster or for more information:
http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/rche/ or contact Mary Schultz at schultm@purdue.edu, 765‐494‐9828
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