WHAT: ALS, MS and Assistive Technology Training
WHEN: Friday, November 12, 2010 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: Easter Seals Crossroads, 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis IN 46205
Who should attend: Individuals diagnosed with ALS or MS, therapists, parents, students, educators, vocational rehabilitation counselors, physicians, nurses, and caregivers can benefit from training content.
Training content: You’ll learn about how assistive technology can accommodate employment, educational or independent living situations for those who have been diagnosed with ALS or MS. Information about the INDATA Loan Library, Home Modification Assessments, and Job Accommodations available from Easter Seals Crossroads will also be available.
Those who participate in the training will have access to exhibits from United Seating and Mobility, Vocational Rehabilitation, Home Health Depot, ALS Association of Indiana, and Vision Aid Systems.
To view the agenda or to register, visit http://atandalsms.eventbrite.com/.