Presenter: Hadi Rangen, University of Illinois
Wednesday Nov. 3: 11 AM Pacific, Noon Mountain, 1 PM Central and 2 PM Eastern
Web 2.0 is a broad and not very accurate term, mainly including a host of
new interactive features of the Web. The Web Accessibility Initiative has
developed guidelines to make Web 2.0 products accessible. The guidelines
are called Accessible Rich Internet Applications, (ARIA).
Hadi will provide an understanding of how to use WAI-ARIA to create
accessible rich internet applications and point to some accessible widgets
people can integrate into their Web applications without having to be HTML
Even if you don’t expect to do this yourself, you need to understand enough
that you can tell designers that their accessible features in Web 2.0.
You can read more and register from EASI’s home page (easi.cc) or you can
go directly to: