HollyRod Foundation Donating iPads to Nonverbal Children Who Have Autism


The HollyRod Foundation is donating Apple iPads to children who have autism and are either nonverbal or have severe difficulty communicating.  According to the foundation, one in every 110 kids has been diagnosed with Autism, and 25% of those may never develop verbal communication.  Fortunately, the iPad in combination with special software can give many of these kids the ability to communicate.

To receive an iPad, the family must meet income requirements.  Software for the iPad will be purchased with a gift card from the foundation, and you must have a professional (speech pathologist, doctor, teacher) working with your child who is willing to take responsibility for the card.

To apply, download and complete the application here at the HollyRod website .  (“Holiday 2010 iPad Application” at the bottom of the page.)

Applicants have to attach documentation of your child’s diagnosis,verbal abilities, and financial need.  Applications are due by 11:59 pm on December 31, 2010.  Grantees will be notified in January of 2011.

For more information about the HollyRod Foundation, visit the HollyRod website.

Click Here to see a previous blog on the accessibility features of the iPad.


  1. Hi there! I just happened to be on here seeking a communication device for my special needs son Logan & noticed that ipods are great for nonspeaking children. But they have to be austistic? My son was born w/congenital hydrocephalus, & hip displacia. He also is physically & some what mentally delayed. However, he’s never been diagnosed w/austism but does have some mild charactoristics of the disorder. He understands everything you say & do but can not verbally communicate. He will also point at objects & etc when you ask him to. So I was so excited to find out that the ipad could be very benifituary to him! I feel like Logan is a very bright little boy who has a lot to say & a lot of questions but is trapped! So please help if you can! If not, any advice would be appreciated!! Thanks so much for reading my plea!

    Valerie Richards

    1. Valerie,

      A person does not have to have autism to use a communication app on the iPhone/iPod/iPad. If your son is having issues with communication, you should consider an speech language pathology or augmentative communication evaluation. A specialist will be able to work with your son to understand his level of communication and recommend a device that is right for him. While the iPod seems like a fantastic solution, it may not be the right one for him. If you let me know where you are located in the US, I could refer you to a specialist in your area.


  2. My name is Dianne Hylton I have a neice who has Autism.She is Six years old. When she was born she had two intestinal blockages. She had surgery when she was four days old.It took a Year for her to learn to eat and her intestines to heal for bowel movements. She is the love of my life.Her Daddy and Mommy Love her so much and are so completely devoted to her.Her name is Abigail Mircle Looney. Her Dad was hurt in the coal mines and was taken out of work a couple of years ago. Her mom tries to subsutite at the school where she goes. They use the ipad at school for her.The cost of a child with autism is extremely high. She only eats certain things when they go to the grocery what she eats one day she will not eat the next.So food is very expensive.There is so much I could write they need help.they have all the documentation you will ever need of what they have done ,bought ,Doctors .I’M BEGGING FOR HELP FOR HER I LOVE HER MY BABY

    1. We do not donate i-Pads; however, you are more than welcome to check them out of our loan library to see if they work for you and your needs!

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