EASI has a large number of webinars already scheduled for January,
February and for March 2011 with others being planned for the spring.
Karen McCall is enthusiastic about MS OneNote and will describe how it
works and its accessibility on Jan. 10.
Many people use Flash and also many struggle with issues about making it
accessible. Adobe staff will explain Flash and discuss how to make it
accessible in 2 parts: January 11 and January 18.
Not long ago, people with disabilities were largely shut out of smart
phones, but that is rapidly changing and Apple isn’t the only game in town.
Steve Jacobs will discuss Android phones and apps for them in 2 parts:
January 20 and January 27.
Karen McCall returns to give detailed explanations on PDF accessibility
using Acrobat and repairing PDF using Acrobat. This is a 4-part fee-based
series starting January 25 and running for 4 weeks.
You can read more details and register for these at http://easi.cc/clinic.htm.