In the Travel Series, we have looked at how airlines and airports are making travel more accessible for individuals with disabilities, but transportation once one has reached their destination is just as important. Getting around on vacation when a wheelchair is required for mobility can be an arduous task; however, there are solutions. Many companies offer vehicles available for rent that are wheelchair compatible. One such company is Wheelchair Getaways.
With its headquarters in Mukilteo, Washington, Wheelchair Getaways has locations across the country and provides a number of wheelchair accessible vans for rent. The company is dedicated to providing quality and reliable transportation for individuals with physical disabilities. Wheelchair Getaways continues to respond with undivided commitment to the needs of persons in wheelchairs and scooters. Wheelchair Getaways is a proven leader in accessible van rental and will lead the industry for many years to come.
Though rates vary across the country, they can be estimated at $80-110 per day. The vans can be delivered to you and are available for cross country trips. For more information and to find a location near you, visit the Wheelchair Getaways website.
It is a very useful blog. Actually I was looking for the Travel Agency which could help the handicapped people so that they should be able to commute from one place to another.Thanks a lot for sharing this.
Hey it’s good to have proper necessary aspects for the person having disabilities. Pleasant to have article on Wheel chair van rentals.
http://www.wheelchairgetaways.com has a number of vans that could suit your needs. Visit their website to find the information that may be helpful. Thanks for reading out blog!
ok .! good this company is ding a great job . do they provide van hires for shifting the home . like van hire for home shiftiing are very popular . But never the less they are doing a good job.
The post is quite cool . I appreciate that . Please share some more such stuff if you can….
Your blog has contained relevant information & it is up to the mark. It is good. This blog will help people in gathering all important matter in a single post & one can also visit this site for seeing its services. The main factor which it has taken in consideration is wheel chair rentals for disables. Not every one think for giving facility to disables,but this company is giving them special service. It is really performing a good job. Keep It Up!!
Van rental services are really very helpful. I am looking for a van rental services in Dublin city Center. Please suggest me best van rental companies near around Dublin.
Please consult Wheelchair Getaways website (http://www.wheelchairgetaways.com) for specific locations. Thank you!