Are you a parent of a child with a disability and/or special health care needs? Have you wanted to participate in formal meetings, committees or a special task force and been unable to due to the financial expense of participating in those events?
Family Voices Indiana has created a fund that assists parents who would like to participate in disability related programs and services called the Family Leadership Development Fund. Family Voices is a national network of advocates for all children and youth with disabilities. The goal of this grassroots network is to share advocacy opportunities and information on issues that impact families of children with disabilities and/or special health care needs. Family Voices Indiana is the Family Voices affiliate organization in the state of Indiana.
Family Voices Indiana has recently created this fund to help families who are interested in being involved in activities that are “designed to collect public and consumer opinions about disability-related programs and services”. If you are interested in participating in a formal meeting, public forum, committee or any other activated that is disability related, this fund may assist you in paying for costs associated with participation in those events such as: registration fees and/or transportation expenses.
Qualifications to be approved for a stipend are:
-You must be the parent of a child with disabilities and/or special health care needs.
-You must have no other paid affiliation or role with the organization hosting the event.
-You must not be participating with the financial support of another program.
-Events or activities of 4 hours or less/day (including travel) may be reimbursed up to a maximum of $50.
-Events or activities of more than 4 ours/day (including travel) may be reimbursed up to a maximum of $100.
-Families may access this for stipends with a total maximum of $250 per year.
-You must have the head of the agency or organization sponsoring the event, send an email or signed letter of verification to Family Voices Indiana.
If you would like more information or would like to request an application, contact Family Voices Indiana at 317.944.8982 or e-mail Jennifer via email at Jennifer@fvindiana.org. To learn more about Family Voices Indiana visit their blog at http://fvindiana.blogspot.com/ .