Pathfinder ControlAbility, based in Huntington, IN, is a company that manufactures a line of hair and skin care products and more to sell all over the country. However, the collection is about more than just products that make skin and hair healthier, its purpose is to provide revenue generating opportunities for all and create a diverse and inclusive working environment.
From shampoos to lotions, ControlAbility offers a range of products designed to keep you looking your best. There are other products available too, such as binders and clean wipes, to choose from. Most of the products are manufactured by those with disabilities, the goal being that the operations establish a “flexible funding base that includes multiple sources of funding support while assuring that support dollars follow and adapt to the employment goals and support needs of each individual consumer.”
Pathfinder Services, the company overseeing ControlAbiltiy, is an non-profit organization that helps individuals with disabilities get out into the community and play an active role alongside others. Pathfinder Services hit the ground running in 1966 and has not looked back since. With programs ranging from kids to adults, the organization provides many opportunities to stimulate and stretch intellectual capacity and physical ability.
Manufacturing hair and skin care products is just one way in which Pathfinder Services helps individuals with disabilities gain control over their lives. The organization has helped individuals obtain jobs in other areas, to help give a sense of accomplishment and gain greater confidence. With this greater sense of confidence, comes an increase in responsibility as well.
With the help of Pathfinder Services, many individuals with disabilities in Huntington now live on their own, or with roommates, where individuals can learn how to take care of themselves and their home with Pathfinder never being more than a phone call away.
For more information about the many products and services this organization offers, make sure you click here!
To watch a video about the organization, click here!