Signing off…

When I first started, back in August, I had no idea what the words “assistive technology” meant. Blindly, I accepted the position as a social media intern with the INDATA Project because I could tell my interviewers, Wade and Nikol, loved their work and I wanted in on it.

Now, as I write my final blog as an intern here, I would like to share with all of you my “top ten” list of things I have learned over the past 8 months.

1. Be tolerant and accepting.
2. There are multiple ways of living life.
3. Ask questions. When something is new, do not be afraid to figure it out and dive in. You have nothing to lose when you seek to learn more.
4. Be humble.
5. Reach out to others for help when you need it.
6. Be quick to listen. Amazing stories appear when you slow down and take a genuine interest in someone else.
7. The iPad is so much more than the latest toy from Apple, it is truly amazing how far a simple app or voice over feature can go.
8. People are eager to share their stories. For many people with disabilities, talking about their lives helps to make them an advocate for others. Let them talk.
9. The multisensory room at Easter Seals Crossroads is by far one of the coolest rooms. EVER.
10. Motivation and passion is contagious. I am so lucky to have worked with every single person at INDATA and Easter Seals Crossroads. It is so obvious how much each person genuinely cares about their job and how it impacts people, it made me want to be better.

Now, I cannot say that I am an expert in AT, but I can tell you about ZoomText, I know that JAWS is more than a man-eating shark and that programs like INDATA are all over the country. In the fall, I will be starting a new job as a high school English teacher in Charlotte, North Carolina. I would like to believe that I can identify individuals who may need special accommodations in the classroom and I will be more aware of that because of this internship.

For more information about specific information about each state’s assistive technology resources, I know that I can visit this website, to get all the help I need.

One comment:

  1. Anne-
    We truly enjoyed having you on our team. Your contributions have been meaningful and your personality and enthusiasm are contagious. We look forward to staying in touch, watching your journey and celebrating the impact you’re about to make on the world.
    Thanks again,

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