eSpecial Needs designed the Sensory Hugs Deep Pressure Sensory Vest to calm children with autism, ADD, SID and ADHD. The vest was designed with an emphasis on durability and comfort. It’s meant to be pulled snug to a child’s body, providing deep pressure sensory feedback and stability.
A deep pressure vest is often used to assist the child to self-calm and relax so that sensory stimulus can be processed by the brain. The use of a weighted vest provides the child with unconscious information from the muscles and joints. Children who are easily distracted, hyperactive and lacking in concentration often respond positively to the additional weight or pressure a vest provides because it gives their brains something to subconsciously focus on.
Although there is limited research in the area of weighted vest therapy, many therapists have found a weighted vest may also assist with body position awareness and coordination, balance, eye/hand coordination, spatial perception and hearing and speaking skills.
These vests are easy to clean, which is convenient for parents. The deep pressure vests are made with a latex free, breathable material, and are highly durable and completely washable. However because the fabric is rubberized, the items must be hung to dry. It’s recommended not to dry clean the vests.
While I have a different kind of vest (it is weighted but looks and fits like a regular denim vest) I love it! I am high functioning but on the spectrum and have significant sensory challenges (sensory avoidant). When my sensory issues are running high or I am particularly stressed I can’t imagine life without my weighted vest and weighted blanket! Given all the trouble I had sleeping as a child (often choosing to sleep between the mattress and box spring and scaring the daylights out of my mother) my mom would have been grateful had these been available back then.
My son is also on the spectrum and a sensory seeker with ADHD. I have to admit that the vest and blanket are not for him. So it is important to work with the right professionals and try things before purchasing!