Wade Wingler, Director of Assistive Technology met with a group of professionals in New Albany, Indiana today for an “app fest”. Here is the list of apps that the group discussed: (Special thanks to Tracy for taking notes!)
Name of app | First name of person who mentioned it
Tiga Talk –game working with sounds/ Theresa
Injini-cognition-works on matching/Andrea
Peekaboo Pets/Julie
Super Sudoku; Staying on Track-developmental milestones for parents/Cindy
Baby Faces-different faces-id body parts/Stephanie
Peekabo Barn; Kid Shapes (android)/Mary Anne
Peekabo Safari (android)/Janet
Art of Glow/Diane
(name?) Tracing/Karen
ASD timer/Jackie
My play home-touch and do different things in the house/Shannan
Toddler lock/Rachel
Baby Sign and Learn-vocab & signs/Sarah
Little Writer-alligator-trace; Sound Touch/Robin
ABC Tracer/Heidi
Tumble Books/Liz
itouch ilearn words/Pam
Knock Knock Family/Lisa
Ical; proloquo2go-expensive, but good c/Nadine
Smart hands; itranslate; my name-teach to write name; let’s eat-id food/Debbie
Articulation Station-nice pics/sounds; Peekabo Barn; Pandora/Theresa
PBS kids/Jennifer
Flow Free/Kim
Audible-audio books/Amy
Pandora; Yes, No, Answer; Word Words/Paige
Sound Touch-touch anmimals-makes animal sounds/Mary
Super Duper Apps (speech website)/Katie
Words with Friends/Jennifer
My Farm Animals/Mary