ATU086 – Blind Bargains (JJ Medaugh), Zoomtext 10.0.6, AT for kids with Downs Syndrome, 50 Questions about Learning Disabilities, Mozilla & Accessibility, Tactus at CES 2013


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Your weekly dose  of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.

Show Notes: (JJ Medaugh)

50 questions about LD — National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities

Five Ways Assistive Technology Helps Those With Down Syndrome | Concordia Online

Man hides blindness to work as a teacher

Accessibility at Mozilla (Video) Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments

ZoomText 10.0.6 is Released! – ai squared-making accessibility simple

Hotels Face the ADA’s Pool Accessibility Deadline | Site Selection/RFPs content from Meetings Net

Thousands Offered For Disability Innovations – Disability Scoop

CES 2013: Tactus – physical buttons in touchscreens

App: Language TherAPPy





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