iCanConnect has a the National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program that aims to “ensure that every person with combined hearing and vision loss has access to modern telecommunication tools and the training necessary to use them, granting every individual the opportunity to interact with the world as an involved, contributing member of society.” The outreach program provides assessments, telecommunications technology and training to people free of charge. To get these services an individual must meet federal guidelines. You can learn more about those guidelines here.
These participating programs will help distribute communication equipment to qualified people. The goal is to teach people who are Deaf-Blind how to get the most of their technology. Many different kinds of technology will be distributed including hardware, software, and applications. For example, some pieces of assistive technology that will be distributed and taught are screen enlargements, screen readers and Braille displays.
In partnership with the Indiana Deaf-Blind Services Project at Indiana State University, Easter Seals Crossroads’ Assistive Technology Center will be providing training, support and equipment distribution through the iCanConnect program. If you would like more information, please contact Brian Norton at bnorton@eastersealscrossroads.org.