Brain Fitness is a software program that aims to prevent and treat cognitive decline. It’s an assistive technology produce for the elderly. Sessions include exercises designed to cross-train the brain in long-term memory, short-term memory, language, computation, visuospatial orientation, and critical thinking. It was developed to help people continue to use a wide range of cognitive areas on a regular basis. Benefits of using this produce may include: vast improvements in memory and protection against the effects of age-related cognitive decline.
Benefits of using Brain Fitness Pro:
- Thousands of rigorous and challenging exercises included to sharpen your mind
- Proven results as seen in clinical trials
- it’s a definitive cognitive training regimen for you to stay sharp and combat mental decline.
- Over 300 hours of exercises at 5 different difficulties as well as complimentary manufacturer updates of new materials to keep workouts fresh
This piece of assistive technology can be purchased at