The Kaufman Speech Praxis Test for Children identifies the level of breakdown in a child’s ability to speak. This type of test can help identify if and what kind of treatment can be used and how improvement can be tracked. Easy to administer and score, the test helps to measure a child’s imitative responses to the clinician, locates where the childs speech system is breaking down, and points to a systematic course of treatment.
This assistive technology testing device includes:
- Items organized from simple to complex motor-speech movements, using meaningful words whenever possible
- An imitative, stimulus/response format that can be administered easily without pictorial stimulation
- Norm-referenced and standardized items that provide a raw score, a standard score, and a percentile ranking for each part of the test
- A diagnostic rating scale that assists in delineating severity levels on a continuum
- Normative information related to the normal speaking population of children and the disordered population
You can learn about other speech and language screening tests at EnableMart.com.