Perkins’ LightAide: Fun and enlightened learning

There are many products and apps available to help children succeed academically.  However, several of these may easily lose a child’s attention and/or lack the necessary tools to construct a solid foundation for a child’s academic success.  There are many underlying factors that may contribute to a child’s education.  First, it is important to note that no two children are the same as many learn through hands-on experiences, while others better absorb knowledge through visual or audio aids.  For a child with special needs, laying this foundation may be especially challenging and require many methods to obtain core goals.

Further, as human beings, we are dependent on the following five senses to accomplish daily tasks: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.  It was hypothesized that a child obtains knowledge through at least one of his or her senses, and after thorough research, this has been proven true.

Again, many learn through different methods and means, but there remains a universal truth: an individual must be engaged to learn.  Perkins takes this idea and has recently released a product to help individuals with low vision, cognitive disabilities and other special needs, to instill the building blocks of literacy and mathematical concepts.


Perkins’ LightAide is a product creating a variety of interactive displays of color that support core learning goals.  LightAide is unlike any other educational tool found in the classroom or at home, as its colorful display captivates learners.

  • Teaches basic concepts such as cause and effect, taking turns and identifying/building patterns
  • Sets the foundation of pre-literacy skills by encouraging learners to practice visual tracking from left to right, a necessary skill for literacy
  • Introduces mathematical concepts such as basic counting skills, identifying numbers and building patterns with blocks.

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