AMAneo Assistive Mouse Adapter Helps Control Your Clicks

Millions of people worldwide suffer from hand tremors. And working a computer mouse can be a nightmare for those with hand dexterity challenges. The AMAneo (Assistive Mouse Adapter) helps people with shaky hand movements or tremors control their computer mouse better.

AMAneo steady hand device

Even if the user’s hand is shaking, the AMAneo filters the trembling of the hand electronically so the mouse pointer on the screen moves smoothly. This device is compatible with any PC and can be adjusted based on tremor intensities.

Keeping things steady

People who enjoy computer design or programs that require a steady hand can use AMAneo to line up their mouse where their mind actually wants it to go, despite hand spasms. With AMAneo, it is now possible to operate iPads or iPhones directly with an assistive mouse (head mouse, joystick mouse, foot mouse, mouth mouse, finger mouse, etc.).

AMAneo device for hand tremors

Features of AMAneo include:

  • USB interface for Windows, Mac, Android (Bluetooth for iOS and PC/Android available soon)
  • 2 external switch connectors (left/right mouse buttons)
  • Adjustable button delay
  • Adjustable click timer
  • Tremor compensation

The device uses similar “steady cam” technology found in camcorders to filter out shaking hand movements. The developer of AMAneo was inspired to create the device after seeing his uncle struggle with Parkinson’s disease and his annoyance with computer mouse control.

Watch a demonstration of the device here:

For more information, visit


  1. I have a client with MS who is having much difficulty with her mouse control due to tremors. How much does this device cost, and how would we aquire it?

  2. I have hand tremors and looking for a device that can control the shaking of the mouse, causing me to tag someplace I don’t want to go.
    I did see something on this site that I maybe interested.
    I own a MacBook Pro. You may call me at +12318351149.

    1. I have a real bad essential tremor and my hand shakes do much that it’s difficult to write and control a mode l mouse. How much does this cost and how do I order one? Thanks

  3. I have an eessential tremor that makes using a mouse very difficult. This sounds like the equipment I need. More info please. Can I use it with a cordless mouse? What does it cost and where do I get one?

  4. I have a real bad essential tremor and my hand shakes do much that it’s difficult to write and control a mode l mouse. How much does this cost and how do I order one? Thanks

  5. How does this go with gaming? My partner has an essential tremor which impacts his ability to use a mouse when gaming. Is there a delay caused when using the device?

  6. I have a visually impaired client that I am working with to outfit him with assistive technology that addresses his vision issues. He also has essential tremor and I’m in a position to recommend possible assistive technology to address that issue as well. I’m interested in more information on AMAneo Assistive Mouse Adapter, including pricing, licensing, support, etc.

    -Greg Loux,
    Tacit IS, LLC

  7. I have an essential tremor and would be interested in how to purchase this device and cost thanks.
    Noreen Rios

  8. I have major hand tremors, would like more information. Since I’m a federal employee I might be able to purchase.

  9. I have essential tremor & am recovering from a stroke. Please let me know if this product would suit me & how much is it? Thank you, Carol Abel

  10. Please let me know the price of the cursor speed control device for use with my new Acer Chromebook laptop. I suffer with Essential Tremor. Also name of any local suppliers near Lincoln. UK

  11. I have issues more with my fingers and double clicking, using the center wheel and clicking, or drying to left click and the right mouse button gets hit at the same time. what would would if you do have anything for that? I can use my left hand but it dose not move as fast I would like. However I had thought that if I could control the mouse with my right hand and the two buttons and enter wheel with my left, that something like that would work good for me.

  12. I have an essential tremor and have been using the Steady Mouse software with my PC, which works wonderfully. However, my company recently switched to the MacBook Pro, and the Steady Mouse is incompatible. Will the AMAneo work with the MacBook Pro?

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