AACORN assistive speech app

AACORN Assistive Speech App

There is a seemingly indefinite amount of augmentative and communication (AAC) apps available on the market.  If you’re looking for a new AAC app to help your child or student communicate, check out the AACORN assistive speech app!

AACORN assistive speech app

According to its description, the AACORN assistive speech app is a “revolution in the way we provide assistive speech support to children.”  It can benefit children with nonverbal autism, apraxia, Down syndrome, and more.

Here’s more from the app’s website:

“AACORN is a more affordable and engaging alternative to traditional AAC apps and devices. It is an evidence-based solution that has helped thousands of children and their families – many of whom struggled for years with complicated and expensive speech-generating apps and devices designed for adults.”

AACORN’s unique Word Tree interface is easy to learn and use.  It features a bright friendly design, large buttons, and an intuitive layout.

Overview of the AACORN Assistive Speech App:

  • Research-based child-friendly design
  • Exclusive Word Tree interface teaches language and grammar
  • High-contrast graphics, large buttons, intuitive layout
  • Synthetic text-to-speech voices with an adjustable pitch and speed)
  • Ability to take/import photos via iPad camera
  • Fully customizable layout
  • LiveChat Support, Email Support and Online User Group

Click here to learn more!


  1. The app is “not available in my area or region” and their website is defunct. Any idea what happened or if there is something very similar. I’m at a loss for my son. This app is exactly what I imagined he needed and now it’s nowhere to be found. The social media page hasn’t been updated since 2018. Any help or information would be much appreciated.

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