UbiDuo device

Communicate Freely with UbiDuo 3

UbiDuo device

Enjoy face-to-face communication anywhere, anytime with UbiDuo 3. It is a great accommodation for communicating with individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a communication barrier.

UbiDuo 3 Offers Barrier-Free Communication

UbiDuo 3 is the newest model of this speech generating device. Weighing 3.5 Two people using UbiDuolbs. less than previous models, this device is easy to take on the go. UbiDuo 3 includes two 7” color touchscreens. It also has an option for voice output for increased communication. In addition, it has a Mini-HDMI port, so users can connect to external display devices as needed.

Furthermore, the UbiDuo 3 allows those with specific communication barriers to have spontaneous conversations and communicate anywhere. This tool doesn’t require internet, Wi-Fi, data or cellular access. It is light and portable. But, on the other hand, it withstands wear-and-tear while on the go.

Empowering People Who are Hard of Hearing

The UbiDuo 3 empowers deaf, hard of hearing, late deafened and others who have communication barriers. For example, It gives them the opportunity to be independent in everyday situations. Tamara Merwin is a stay-at-home mother who benefited from using UbiDuo products.

“Life after this is amazing,” she said. “I feel so free and independent. I can schedule an appointment and go anywhere with this!”

Two people facing each other using UbiDuo

The UbiDuo 3 is helpful on a personal level, but it is also a great asset for businesses to use as a part of their daily routine. It allows companies and organizations to serve deaf and hard of hearing patrons, or those with deaf or hard of hearing employees.

The device can:

  • Increase patron and employee comfort/satisfaction
  • Increase number of encounters
  • Eliminate frustration and misunderstandings
  • Be used on the spot for unscheduled or unexpected situations
  • Be used with minimal training
  • Help ensure customer and employee safety
  • Meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements

Moreover, the UbiDuo 3 Speech Generating Device is covered by Medicare/Medicaid and private insurance. For more information on navigating through the process to secure coverage, visit scomm.com/individuals.

Likewise, to learn more and purchase your own device, visit: scomm.com/communication-devices


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