arthur the music therapy teddy bear

Arthur the Musical Teddy Bear

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve written about different simple music players which may benefit individuals with dementia and more.  Another available music-playing option is Arthur the Musical Teddy Bear.  

Arthur the Musical Teddy Bear is designed specifically to meet the needs of people with Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, and more.  It comes preloaded with a few classic songs, but you can add 1,000 songs!  To play music, simply press the bear’s paw.

Here’s more from the Alz Store’s description:

“Arthur – a musical teddy bear combines the benefits of music for people with cognizant challenges, such as dementia, learning difficulties, and autism, combined with the widely accepted advantages offered by ‘doll therapy’…

Arthur is a rather special therapeutic bear designed to offer comfort, pleasure, and sensory stimulation. This irresistibly soft and tactile teddy bear has multiple benefits for people with dementia.”

arthur the music therapy teddy bear

Overview of Arthur the Musical Teddy Bear:

  • Music player that can be loaded with favorite songs, storybooks, nursery rhymes, Bible verses, or hymns
  • Safe for both children and adults as there are no buttons, zippers, or snaps
  • The rechargeable battery pack is hidden within
  • Combines benefits of music and doll/cuddle therapy
  • Simple to use: press the paw and the music begins
  • 4GB capacity; holds up to 1,000 songs

Click here to learn more!

One comment:

  1. Hi my name is Diana green i live in memphis tn I have a 91 yr old family member that has had 2 Mimi cerebral stokes this past year. Her daughter lives with her & is her caretaker. I saw on Alzstore about Arthur the musical teddy bear. I went to their website & I also emailed them Arthur has been discontinued. I have looked on Amazon & only found an Arthur bear from the UK. I cannot get ahold of the Alzheimer’s association here in memphis to ask them about it. Do you know where I can purchase this bear for my family member it would be a tremendous help. Please email me at
    Thank you

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