PicSeePal opened to show pictures and letters

PicSeePal is Light-Tech Communication Solution

Do you need an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) solution you can take anywhere? One that is low-tech and customizable to you and your needs. Try PicSeePal!

PicSeePal product box

PicSeePal is the world’s first AAC housing that is lightweight and portable. It is also customizable, splash proof, modular and easy to use! For those who need a light-tech AAC solution, PicSeePal is for you!

Helping AAC Users Worldwide

There was a global need for a low-cost, durable AAC solution. One that provides critical backup when you don’t have access to a high-tech device or when your high-tech is offline.

That’s why PicSeePal was developed. PicSeePal is:

  • Affordable.
  • Durable.
  • Lightweight.
  • Portable.

And, most importantly, it’s customizable to every individual, context and language. Parents, AAC users, therapists and educators agree it works across all settings, ages and abilities.

Boy holding PicSeePal product

In addition, more emergency response teams and health care providers are prepared and using visual supports to ensure access to open communication for everyone.

PicSeePal for All Ages, Abilities and Locations

PicSeePal opened to show pictures and letters

PicSeePal provides an immediate solution for communication if you don’t have access to a high-tech device. And it can be set up to mirror high-tech AAC by printing out screenshots. You can also use photographs and text to suit any language and culture. Some of the features of PicSeePal are as follows:

  • Three double-sided snaps are included in this light-tech, paper-based housing solution for AAC.
  • Easily add six pages from TouchChat, NovaChat, LAMP WFL, Proloquo2Go, Unity, CoughDrop, or any other AAC application/device.
  • Splash-proof and durable.
  • Easy to add, change and remove pages in a “snap.”
  • Template available add screenshots from any AAC device.
  • Pre-made pages for those just getting started on their AAC journey.

Learn how to set up PicSeePal here:

And learn more about PicSeePal’s global initiative with an individual focus here:

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