Hable One

A Remote Control for Your Phone: The Hable One Keyboard

Hable One

Typing on a smartphone is second nature to many of us. But for people who are visually challenged, it can be frustrating and even seem impossible.

While virtual keyboards can be helpful, many are limited and difficult to use for people with visual impairment or blindness. However, having a visual impairment doesn’t mean that mobile devices aren’t useable.

Hable One is a new Braille keyboard that is designed to help people type faster, and it’s small enough to fit in a pocket or purse.

Hable One is a compact, handheld device that is simple to use because it connects to your mobile device via Bluetooth. It has six Braille buttons that allow the user to type by pressing different combinations of these buttons. For example, to type the letter “A,” you press button 1, and for the letter “B,” you press buttons 1 and 2 simultaneously. It also allows the user to control their device’s screen reader, like VoiceOver on iOS or TalkBack on Android.

Hable One compatible with any smartphone or tablet

By using different button combinations, users can navigate just about any device to open apps, scroll web pages and adjust settings. Some people have said that it’s like having a remote control for your phone!

In rave reviews, customers have also said:

“The Hable One is the absolute best Braille input device I’ve ever found.” — Lori M.

“The Hable One is a fantastically simple device to navigate a cell phone and help visually impaired folks be more independent with their mobile device. Thanks for developing it! It’s a huge help to my daughter and is allowing her to be much more independent.” — Luc L.

“As I walk around my seaside village here in Ireland with my guide dog, I often stop for coffee, and then out comes my Hable One. It is a must-have for all visually impaired and totally blind folks. Incidentally, I am 70 years old and have been blind for 48 years. I personally believe in keeping up with technology, and now Hable One will be my main aid in this regard.” — Garth L.

For more information, visit the Hable One website.

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