Ron Frye

Hearing a Better Life

Ron Frye

In honor of World Hearing Day coming up on March 3, the INDATA Project is proud to present this story of a gentleman to whom we were able to provide better hearing care through our Alternative Financing Program (AFP).

Meet Ron Frye

Ron is a lifelong animal lover. In fact, one of the first epiphanies he had upon receiving hearing aids was how long he had gone without hearing the birds in his backyard.

Ron’s passion for animals started with pit bulls when he was a kid, and it continued alongside his Pendleton High School sweetheart when they moved to Ohio to work on an Arabian horse farm. After having a daughter, the couple moved back to Markleville, Indiana. Ron spent four years working for animal control, until seeing so many distressed dogs was too much for his heart to handle. He began to focus professionally on brick masonry while caring for dogs at home.

In 2008, health issues — including diverticulosis, the formation of pouches in the colon — pushed Ron toward retirement. Increased time at home amplified the fact that his hearing was low. Backyard bird chirping gave way to silence, and he’d miss parts of conversations with his wife and daughter. His hearing eventually became so disruptive to daily interactions at home and in public that he began to isolate himself, spending most of his days in front of the television set, which he turned to full volume.

As we recognize World Hearing Day, it’s important to note the serious impact of isolation and loneliness related to hearing loss. It’s more than mere melancholy. Research shows that “loneliness is associated with high blood pressure, elevated stress hormones and weakened immune systems.” Isolation also “raises the risk of dementia by 40% and the odds of early death by 26%.”

World Hearing Day

Despite growing evidence that hearing aids reduce the rate of cognitive decline, about only 20% of older Americans wear them. This is largely due to their high cost, maintenance needs, etc.

When Ron finally got a pair of basic hearing aids, he experienced those issues firsthand.

“It felt like I was getting them fixed more than I was wearing them, and it was going to cost more than they were worth,” he said.

Investing in more advanced, expensive hearing aids seemed to be the best move. Amid their research for financial assistance with purchasing hearing aids, Ron and his wife found the benefits of INDATA’s AFP.

The Ins and Outs of INDATA’s AFP

AFP is a low-interest extended-term bank loan program. Made possible through a partnership with STAR Financial Bank, AFP loans provide funding for assistive technology devices including, but not limited to, hearing aids, accessible vehicles, augmentative communication devices, Braille equipment, computers, home modifications, and environmental control units.

This program is for Indiana residents who have a documented disability and need assistive technology. If the person with the disability is under 18 years of age, then their legal guardian may complete the application process. The minimum amount a candidate may borrow is $500 and the maximum is $35,000. The interest rate floats around the 3% mark.

The program involves a few steps. First, those interested must fill out an application from INDATA, which asks for:

  • Documentation of disability (letter from a nurse, physician, case worker or certifying official).
  • Intended use of the assistive technology the loan would provide, including vendor information and anticipated cost.
  • Questions regarding the individuals’ acknowledgment of the loan relationship with STAR Financial Bank, that the individual is required to repay the loan and that the loan is not a grant, gift or other type of funding source.

INDATA will then determine if an applicant is qualified for the program by reviewing the application. If qualified, the individual must fill out a loan application from STAR Financial Bank. Once that is approved, they will complete a loan agreement and arrange for monthly installments to be paid directly to STAR Financial.

“A little bit of money can go a long way,” said Nikol Prieto, outreach and education lead at Easterseals Crossroads. “These loans can be true life-changers, and we’ve seen several great success stories come out of this program.”

Blessed with the Ability to Hear

Ron’s story is one of the many successes made possible through INDATA’s AFP. Thanks to the ReSound hearing aid, Ron is better able to enjoy time with his wife, daughter and fur babies. (They have four pit bull rescue dogs and a hound dog.) The birds are also chirping for him once again. Better yet, his hearing aids connect directly to his phone via Bluetooth, allowing him to call loved ones and communicate with doctors.

Ron's ReSound hearing aid

“The difference is like night and day,” Ron said of life with his new hearing aids. “This has been such a blessing to us and our family.”

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