Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panel: Brian Norton, Josh Anderson, Belva Smith, Tracy Castillo. ATFAQ137 – Q1. Migrating from Windows to Mac with a screenreader, Q2. Smartphone accessibility choices, Q3. Could Windows Magnifier replace ZoomText, Q4. What is Louie Voice Control, Q5. Wildcard: Forecasting 2021 – product delays and assistive technology ——————- Transcript […]
Author: Brian Norton
ATFAQ136 – Q1. Glassouse experiences, Q2. One-handed keyboard or One-handed typing, Q3. Smartwatch for executive functioning, Q4. Buy, Sell and Exchange AT sites, Q5. Chrome Apps for executive functioning, Q6. Wildcard: Screen Time
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panel: Brian Norton, Josh Anderson, Belva Smith, Tracy Castillo. Q1. Glassouse experiences, Q2. One-handed keyboard or One-handed typing, Q3. Smartwatch for executive functioning, Q4. Buy, Sell and Exchange AT sites, Q5. Chrome Apps for executive functioning, Q6. Wildcard: Screen Time —————— transcript starts here ———————– Brian Norton: Welcome […]
ATFAQ135 – Q1. Is it important to become MS Office certified, Q2. Getting rid of the Covid-19 Tracker App, Q3. O365 or Google Docs w/ Jaws, Q4. New Macbook accessibility features, Q5. Video Modeling apps, Q6. Wildcard: Will the workforce return to work after Covid
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panel: Brian Norton, Josh Anderson, Belva Smith, Tracy Castillo. Q1. Is it important to become MS Office certified, Q2. Getting rid of the Covid-19 Tracker App, Q3. O365 or Google Docs w/ Jaws, Q4. New Macbook accessibility features, Q5. Video Modeling apps, Q6. Wildcard: Will the workforce return […]
ATFAQ134 – Q1. Scanning issues in iOS, Q2. Handheld Bluetooth Mics, Q3. Techniques and Guidlines for Cleaning Devices, Q4. Apple vs. PC accessibility, Q5. Chrome Apps for Reading and Writing, Q6. Wildcard: To upgrade or not
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panel: Brian Norton, Josh Anderson, Belva Smith, Tracy Castillo. Q1. Scanning issues in iOS, Q2. Handheld Bluetooth Mics, Q3. Techniques and Guidelines for Cleaning Devices, Q4. Apple vs. PC accessibility, Q5. Chrome Apps for Reading and Writing, Q6. Wildcard: To upgrade or not —————– Transcript Starts Here —————————— […]
AM400- HeardThat App
Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadHey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs! Noisy environments can be daunting for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss. Introducing HeardThat app. According […]
ATFAQ133 – Q1. Go to Resources for Apps, Q2. Programmable Keyboards, Q3. Borrowing Equipment, Q4. Text-to-Speech for Mac, Q5. Best Apps or Devices for Visual Impairment, Q6. Wildcard: Holiday Plans COVID style
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panel: Brian Norton, Josh Anderson, Belva Smith, Tracy Castillo. Q1. Go to Resources for Apps, Q2. Programmable Keyboards, Q3. Borrowing Equipment, Q4. Text-to-Speech for Mac, Q5. Best Apps or Devices for Visual Impairment, Q6. Wildcard: Holiday Plans COVID style ————– transcript starts here ——————– Brian Norton: Welcome to […]