Do you need an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) solution you can take anywhere? One that is low-tech and customizable to you and your needs. Try PicSeePal! PicSeePal is the world’s first AAC housing that is lightweight and portable. It is also customizable, splash proof, modular and easy to use! For those who need a […]
Author: ColesStaff
Mouthguard Allows Bite-Controlled Way to Control Devices
The new Smart Mouthguard allows those individuals who struggle with hand coordination the ability to easily control devices such as computers, remotes, smartphones and wheelchairs. All it takes is a bite. A first-of-its-kind bite-controlled electronic device, this mouthguard translates bite patterns into instructions to control various electronic gadgets. Bite-Based Assistive Technology Assistive technologies like voice […]
iPad Notes Increases Independence
Whether summarizing a class lecture, keeping a record of what you need from the grocery store or just jotting down thoughts, notetaking makes everyday life easier in a wide variety of ways. While it’s convenient for most people, it can be vital for people with disabilities. The iPad Notes app can be beneficial to people […]
Myoshirt Assists Arm Function in Daily Living
There are many reasons why a person’s arm or upper limb function may be impaired. Whether caused by acquired or congenital disorders or common aging, having limited arm function can make activities of daily living a challenge. That’s where the Myoshirt comes in. This modular, soft, wearable robot supports both shoulder stability and mobility. Assistive […]
MathPapa Offers Step-by-Step Algebra Help
With abstract letters and other symbols representing numbers in formulas and equations, algebra can certainly send any individual into a sea of math confusion. And for persons with learning disabilities like dyscalculia, a learning disorder that affects a person’s ability to understand number-based information and math, the struggle can be even more pronounced. MathPapa is […]
Activator is First Fully Integrated iPhone Braille Solution
Braille is a system of touch reading and writing for individuals who are low vision, blind or deaf-blind. First introduced in the early 1800s, the braille system consists of characters in which raised dots represent the letters of the alphabet. From embossed paper to braille displays and notetakers, there are many ways to use braille […]