Waymo parked car

Ride Safely with Waymo

Imagine yourself unable to see well enough to drive and how that would change your life. Autonomous vehicles have the potential to help people with disabilities get where they need to go safely and efficiently. And that includes the 1.3 million Americans who are legally blind. Waymo is a company that uses this type of […]

Image of woman buying gifts online

Holiday Shopping in a High-Tech Wonderland

Whether you’re behind on shopping or looking for products to buy with your gift cards after Christmas, the Easterseals Crossroads team has recommendations for you and your loved ones this holiday season! Holiday Stocking Stuffers AirPods Pro: These headphones are ideal for people with hearing impairment, as they offer an immersive listening experience. The built-in […]

Health Equity Role Marks a First for the FSSA

Dr. Breanca Merritt has a long history of working to amplify a variety of marginalized voices. This makes her more in tune with the underlying spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which is about much more than installing wheelchair ramps or automatic doors. “When we talk about the Americans with Disabilities Act, folks get […]

Big tech brands

Big Tech Brands Make Accessibility Mainstream: Part 1

Thanks to big tech global brands like Amazon, Google and Microsoft, we’re now on the verge of being a fully inclusive society, as assistive technology for people with disabilities is now of mainstream use. “What’s vital for the disabled community is now valuable to everyone, as we all turn to our mobile devices on a […]

Foot in Zeba shoe

Zeba Shoes: Never Struggle with Sneakers Again

Do you have a family member or friend who struggles getting his or her shoes on due to an injury or disability? Now, there is a shoe that can help! They are called Zeba shoes, and they come in many different colors. Zebas are the world’s first hands-free sneaker also built for comfort. Designed to […]

The Children's Museum offers inclusive, accessible outdoor sports

Museums with Accessibility in Mind

Inviting Museum Accessibility Feedback  In terms of their accessibility, local museums have come a long way from offering the standard wheelchair ramps and automatic doors. They’re now tapping into the latest technology and providing online platforms for people with disabilities and their loved ones to give advice and ideas for further accessibility efforts. The Children’s […]