Ramp Things Up with the SUITCASE® Singlefold Graphite Fiber Ramp

Go wherever life takes you! The Suitcase® Singlefold Graphite Fiber Ramp is ultra-lightweight and exceptionally strong, a flexible and adaptable solution to help people with limited mobility overcome some of life’s physical barriers. The ramp has a unique material composition made with glass-reinforced graphite fiber. It’s available in five sizes and features a singlefold design. […]

Make Life Easier with the TRANSITIONS® Modular Entry Mat

More than 3.6 million people in the United States are wheelchair users. Something as simple as getting into a building or house without an issue is a luxury many wheelchair users don’t have. The TRANSITIONS® Modular Entry Mat wants to make their lives safer and easier when it comes to mobility at any entrance. Not […]

Zoomax Snow 10 Pro Brings Printed Word to Life

The Zoomax Handheld Video Magnifier Snow 10 Pro doesn’t just magnify the world for those people with visual impairment. It features clear, human-sounding speech that brings the printed word to life. It’s a 10-inch high-definition video magnifier featuring text-to-speech, Reader Mode and three-way viewing capabilities. The device is the perfect blend of portability, affordability and […]

School Prep with PATINS

Summer vacation is winding down and school is almost back in session. This is a particularly busy time of year for members of the PATINS Project, which supports Indiana’s K-12 public educators in creating inclusive environments for students and providing assistive technology to meet their needs. In addition to delivering presentations at the Indiana Department […]

Problems with Math Problems? Get Instant Results!

Having trouble in math class? Homework frustration? What if you could get instant results and learn the step-by-step process with the touch of a button? Sounds too good to be true. Enter Photomath, the world’s smartest camera calculator and math assistant. Simply point your camera toward a math problem. Then, Photomath will show the result […]

Giving Your Brain Some Serious Playtime

Brain games. Do they really work? It’s a controversial subject with no clear-cut answers. But for those people with traumatic brain injuries (TBI), research evidence does show that play-based therapy using games is both enjoyable and improves balance and independence better than usual therapy options. After a person has suffered TBI, cognitive training for the […]