If you are making travel plans for this holiday season or thinking about a trip any time in the coming year, here are some ideas for easy, safe and fun destinations. Below you’ll find a list of some of the most accessible vacation spots for people with disabilities to visit. But first, here are some […]
Author: ColesStaff
2015 marks key year for workers accommodations
The year 2015 is a particularly important one for Americans with disabilities. It marks the 70th anniversary of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) as well as the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Teresa Goddard — a senior consultant at the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) — has a family history of disability […]
Tech Tip: Logitech K480 Keyboard
Justin Amber introduces us to the Logitech K480 Keyboard, a handy gadget you can seamlessly use on all your devices. Check it out! To learn more on this keyboard, visit the Logitech website.
Tech Tip: Optelec ClearView C
Greg Blackman from EYE Can See introduces us to the newest video magnifier from Optelec called the ClearView C. Check this out! For more information on this product, visit last week’s blog or go to the Optelec website.
Send us YOUR Tech Tips!
For this week’s Tech Tip, we are asking YOU to submit YOUR Tech Tip! Please email submissions to tech@eastersealscrossroads.org We look forward to seeing what our readers and viewers have to offer!
Monday Tech Tip: Google’s Read & Write Revisited
Brian Norton shows us the Read & Write extension available for FREE on the Google Chrome browser. Our first video on Google Chrome’s Read & Write was a little fuzzy so we decided to revisit this free tool to ensure our viewers gain an understanding of what it has to offer.