5 More Apps for Individuals with Dyslexia

I’ve previously written a post discussing five different apps for students with dyslexia a couple years ago.  Because dyslexia affects more than 20% of the U.S. population, I wanted to revisit the topic and provide five more apps that may benefit these individuals. Dyslexia “is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and […]

Nessie Assistive Postural Support

Remember my blog or podcast on the P Pod?  If not, in sum it’s a postural support from Inspired by Drive.  The same company offers yet another assistive seating option called Nessie.  Nessie is the “perfect companion for any child in need of assistance with proactive positioning and functional movement.” Nessie is designed for early intervention and […]

Dizzy Disc : Spinning Sensory Toy

If you’re looking for a product to satisfy your child’s need to move, check out the Dizzy Disc.  It is a fun, spinning toy that children (ages 5 and up) can ride on!  Studies have proven that children who don’t get enough playtime, especially physical activity, may often find it difficult to focus.  Sensory integration […]

5 Alarm Clocks for Individuals with Special Needs

When I was at a dinner party a couple weekends ago, I got to talking with a friend.  She said she was staying with her nephews (who are 3 and 5 years old, I think) a little while back.  She heard them inside the room whispering, eager to wake her up.  It was just before 7 […]

Freedom Chair : battery-operated chair lift

Some individuals with progressive muscle weakness need just a little assistance to help them stand.  The Freedom Chair by Stand Aid of Iowa offers just that!  While many recliner chairs are designed to help users stand by pushing them forward, the Freedom Chair helps by lifting the user up! Stand Aid of Iowa has been manufacturing “quality, durable standing […]

Diggin Wobble Deck

Looking for a fun sensory game your child can play independently?  The Diggin Wobble Deck’s design improves muscles and minds.  It features three exciting play options for children five years of age and older. In sum, the Diggin Wobble Deck combines the basic rules of Simon Says with the physical challenge of balance boards.  The […]