Dog-operated light switch

Performing common household tasks such as turning on a lamp for instance, are often taken for granted.  However, for individuals with mobility limitations, a task like operating a floor switch proves to be nothing short of a challenge. Heleen Bartsoen, uses a wheelchair to get around and was unable to operate the floor switch for the lamp in her […]

Tales of 3D printing and tailor-made accommodations

Take a moment to reflect on how many times a day you encounter the following: pencils and pens, eating utensils, drinking glasses, doorknobs, phones and more.  Have you ever questioned the design of any of these?  Few people would challenge the design due to their prevalence.  Why question the design of a fork, when it’s […]

Perkins’ LightAide: Fun and enlightened learning

There are many products and apps available to help children succeed academically.  However, several of these may easily lose a child’s attention and/or lack the necessary tools to construct a solid foundation for a child’s academic success.  There are many underlying factors that may contribute to a child’s education.  First, it is important to note that […]

Control your computer with your eyes

Susan B. Anthony said, “Independence is happiness.”  The quote’s truth was likely questioned in the 1800s, but today many would argue that independence is happiness; this holds especially true for individuals with disabilities.  Persons with ALS, cerebral palsy, stroke/aphasia, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury and other mobility impairments may often struggle gaining and maintaining their […]

Visually impaired use smartphones to see world

Smart devices have opened up a whole new world to individuals with visual impairments, granting them the ability to communicate, navigate in unfamiliar areas and even take photographs of their surroundings… Wait, what? It is generally understood that individuals with visual impairments read and complete tasks oftentimes through the sense of touch; these individuals read content […]