Anna Leung, Assistive Technology Specialist for Easter Seals Crossroads in Indiana, shows us an app available for Macs called Low Vision Center. This app shows your contacts and calendar in a much bigger font and is compatible with voice-over. Check it out!
Author: Nikol Prieto
Consumer Highlight: Suzanne Sasser
Outside of a three-story red brick senior citizen apartment building on a gorgeous spring day, I met Suzanne Sasser. She greeted me with a big warm smile. I instantly liked Suzanne and over the next couple of hours I learned that she was a very open and interesting person. Five years ago Suzanne was diagnosed […]
RESNA 2014 Annual Conference to be held in Indianapolis!
RESNA 2014 Annual Conference *Racing Towards Excellence in AT* is coming to Indianapolis!! Wade Wingler, Director of Assistive Technology at Easter Seals Crossroads, is a RESNA member and has attended the RESNA conference many times in the past. “Getting together with other professionals in the field of assistive technology to share ideas, learn from one […]
Autism Society of Indiana Provider
The Autism Society of Indiana is an agency whose mission is to raise awareness about autism. They provide information and referrals to families who are looking for assistance in finding doctors, educators, service organizations, state and local government agencies and also to other families who share similar experiences. They also focus on community awareness and educating […]
SesameReader-Hands-free Page Turning
Sesame Enable was founded by a computer vision expert and an electrical engineer who is a quadriplegic for the last 7 years. Sesame’s vision is to allow and promote independent living for persons with disabilities. “Computer Vision” is the science of having a computer understand what the camera sees. What Sesame does is utilize the […]
Monday Tech Tip: Stump iPad holder
Wade Wingler, Director of Assistive Technology at Easter Seals Crossroads shows us the Stump stand iPad holder.