Everyone Matters Campaign

Everyone Matters  is a campaign geared toward youth with a mission of global inclusiveness. The list of famous people that are part of this campaign is quite long. From Paul McCartney to Archbishop Desmond Tutu along with other organizations and the public. The goal of the campaign is to bring people together to embrace inclusiveness […]

Electric Wheelchair Accessible Car now being manufactured in the United States

Stacy Zoern, a lawyer based out of Texas, was having trouble finding an affordable accessible vehicle. Transportation for folks who use a wheelchair is a major financial issue. The cost of getting a wheelchair accessible van has increased to a range of 50,000 to 100,000 dollars. After searching transportation options, Stacy discovered a company in […]

The Dyslexic Kids Organization

The Dyslexic Kids Organization by Scott Forsythe, Executive Director of Dyslexic Kids When I was little, my parents and teachers noticed that I had difficulty keeping up with the other children. I could not identify words or letters as easily as the other children, I could not tie my shoes, I could not remember a […]

5 Great Camera Centric Apps for Visually Impaired and Blind iPhone Users

The iPhone has many wonderful apps that use the iPhone’s camera and turns the phone into assistive technology for visually impaired or blind users. In the past, visually impaired or blind people have had to rely on clunky single-use devices that are now iPhone apps.  Many accessibility features were expensive ad on expenses. Now the […]