You can’t turn on the television lately without hearing news of flooding, severe storms and tornados. According to the National Weather Service, “there have been more than 600 tornados during the month of April 2011”. This beats the previous set record of 267 tornados in one month in April 1974. The news stories of these […]
Author: Nikol Prieto
It’s a Family Affair: A Day of Community and Fun Hosted by The NFB
The National Federation of the Blind is an organization that seeks to provide security, opportunity, and equality for all blind people. The NFB holds fundraisers throughout the year in order to support community outreach initiatives and to provide scholarships to blind children and adults. One such fundraiser is next month’s “It’s a Family Affair.” This […]
Tech Tip Monday: Logger Pro from Independence Science
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Survey Research for The National Federation of the Blind
The National Federation of the Blind is the largest and most influential membership organization of blind people in the United States. The NFB seeks to improve blind people’s lives through advocacy, education, research, technology, and programs encouraging independence and self-confidence. The NFB has affiliates and over seven hundred local chapters in all fifty states, plus Washington […]
Gizmo’s Freeware:List of Free Online Audio Books
In a previous post, we featured a program from the Indianapolis Marion County Public Library that allows library card holders to download and listen to audio books. This program is similar to the traditional library loan process, in that the books have to be returned within a specified amount of time. For individuals who want […]
Tech Tip Monday: System Access To Go from Serotek
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