Belva Smith, Assistive Technology Specialist and Vision and Sensory Team Lead at Easter Seals Crossroads, shows us how you can change the names of the apps you hear when using voice over features to whatever you would like to title the app to be when spoken using voice over. Check it out here:
Author: Nikol Prieto
Consumer Highlight: Jywanza Maye
After handing over my driver’s license and going through metal detectors in one of the most secure buildings in Indianapolis, I was escorted to the office where Jywanza Maye works. Jywanza worked with Belva Smith, Assistive Technology Specialist at Easter Seals Crossroads on a job accommodation and I visited him to learn more about the […]
Monday Tech Tip: Adapted Driving Expo-Vehicle 1-Adapted Truck with Valley Plus Unit
On April 15, 2016 The INDATA Project hosted a full day training on Adapted Driving. Each month we will bring you a tech tip on one of the adapted vehicles we had at the Vehicle Expo. In this first one, Theresa Riedle with Bruno Independent Living Aids, shows us an adapted truck. Check it out […]
Monday Tech Tip: Cortana: Microsoft personal assistant
Charlie Downs, Assistive Technology Specialist at Easter Seals Crossroads, shows us Cortana. Cortana is Microsofts voice-guided personal assistant. Check it out here:
Monday Tech Tip: Independence Builder (home monitoring system)
Steve Sutter from CreateAbility, shows us a home monitoring system called Independence Builder. Check it out here:
Monday Tech Tip: Double Robot
Justin Amber, Equipment Loan Specialist at The INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads, shows us The Double Robot. Check it out here: