Consumer Highlight: Karen Carichoff

I got the opportunity to go out with David Frye, Assistive Technology Specialist at Easter Seals Crossroads, and observe one of his last appointments with Karen Carichoff. Karen is working with David to go over any issues she has since he recommended, installed, and trained her on Dragon Naturally Speaking. Dragon Naturally Speaking is speech […]

Monday Tech Tip: Using JAWS with Windows 10 to use Internet Explorer

Belva Smith, Assistive Technology Specialist at Easter Seals Crossroads, shows us how to find Internet Explorer in Windows 10 and to set Internet Explorer to be your default browser for JAWS users. Check it out here:

Monday Tech Tip: Sign Language Apps

Justin Amber, Equipment Loan Specialist at Easter Seals Crossroads,  shows us two sign language apps. Marlee Keyboard which allows users to download a sign language keyboard to use with an iOS device and Marlee Signs which is a way to learn sign language. Check it out here: