Google to introduce augmented reality glasses

Always checking your smartphone for random bits of information like weather updates, quick directions or store hours? It looks as if by the end of the year, you will have another option for receiving such information: your glasses. According to several Google employees familiar with the glasses project, the glasses will cost about as much […]

Monday Tech Tip: Magic Wand Portable Scanner

Watch as intern Anne Carpenter demonstrates how to use the Magic Wand Portable Scanner from VuPoint. This hand held scanner makes it easy to transform the texts you need and love into digital texts that are easier to use. To view Closed Captioning, click on the “CC” in the lower right corner of the video. […]

Friday Podcast: Job Accomodation Network (Dr. Beth Loy), Braille Smartphone Interface, A Car for the Blind and Social Security Benefits and Employment

Information from the INDATA Project is now available via podcast! Every Friday, the INDATA Project will release two podcasts featuring new assistive technology projects. The podcasts are available for viewing on the INDATA Project website and on iTunes. The “Assistive Technology Update” is a fast-paced weekly update for AT professionals and enthusiasts. The “Accessibility Minute” is designed […]

iHealth: blood pressure and weight monitoring system for iPhone, iTouch and iPad

Because of apps, iOS devices like iPhones and iPads can become virtually anything we need them to be; from color identifiers to detailed maps, iOS devices have many uses. Blood pressure cuff and monitoring system can now be added to that list. For the first time ever, you can use your iPhone, iTouch or iPad […]