Structure and consistency help set children up for success. This is especially true for individuals with ADHD, autism, or other special needs. The app Brili is designed to make daily routines simple, fun for kids, and stress-free for families. So what is Brili? Brili is the “first interactive platform that guides kids through everyday routines–employing best […]
5 fun fidgets for children with special needs
“Stop fidgeting!” I’m sure we’ve all been told this at least once, especially as a child. Children just have so much energy and need to move, especially those with autism, ADHD, and other special needs. I have written about fidget toys many times, more specifically in a post on Stimtastic, a company offering affordable toys for stimming behavior. But […]
Steady your tremors with GyroGlove
It’s estimated that approximately 10 million people experience essential tremors in America. Essential tremor is defined as “a brain disorder that causes a part of your body to shake uncontrollably. The unintentional shaking motion is called a tremor.” Multiple medical conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, can cause tremors but sometimes the cause of tremors is unknown. While […]
Monday Tech Tip: Trekker Breeze handheld talking GPS system
Jim Sullivan, Humanware representative, shows us a handheld talking GPS system, called Trekker Breeze. Check it out here: For more information on Trekker Breeze
ATFAQ023 – Q1. Statistics on the number of BVI users using smartphones? Q2. Headset for talking on the phone and listening to the computer simultaneously? Q3. What external joysticks are available these days? Q4. Are there medication management systems that help with irregular schedules? Q5. What does an AT evaluator do when they don’t agree with the AT user?
Podcast: Play in new window | Download ATFAQ023-02-08-16 Show notes: Panel: Brian Norton, Mark Stewart, Belva Smith, and Wade Wingler Q1. Statistics on the number of BVI users using smartphones? Q2. Headset for talking on the phone and listening to the computer simultaneously? Q3. What external joysticks are available these days? Q4. Are there medication […]
ATU245 – Speechvive for Parkinsons, Artificial Intelligence learns to Chit Chat, DropVox App, Free AT webinars, How does and underwater wheelchair work?
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs. Show Notes: Jessica Huber, PhD, Chief Technology Officer of Speechvive | ATCoalition News – Free Webinars To […]