Speech for Accessibility Solutions at ATIA Orlando 2011: HumanWare Selects Acapela Group as its Voice Partner

ATIA 2011, ORLANDO, Florida, January 25, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — HumanWare, the leading provider of intuitive and intelligent solutions for sight impaired users, will integrate text to speech solutions from Acapela Group, the Voice expert, to deliver highly natural speech, in up to 30 languages and 50 voices. More than any other users, people suffering from disabilities are facing […]

Simple Solutions: Large Print Address Books and Calendars

For individuals who have low vision or a visual impairment, the successful completion of every day activities may require ingenuity and adjustments for ease of accessibility. This includes many tasks of daily life, including the organization and recording of  certain information. The print in traditional calendars, daily planners, bank account balance books and address books is often […]

Folding Wheelchair Ramps for Greater Accessibility

Luckily, we live in a world where the specific needs of individuals with a disability are recognized and accommodated. However, accessibility to buildings and stores is not always guaranteed. Most buildings provide parking spaces and ramps that make access easier for individuals who rely on wheelchairs, scooters,or walkers for mobility. In the occasion when such accommodations are not present, […]

Mealtime Partners Address the Issue of Dehydration in Individuals with Disabilities

Mealtime Partners Inc. is an organization that aims to provide individuals with a physical disability the opportunity to eat and drink independently. Mealtime Partners offers a broad range of drinking systems, some of which provide hands free drinking and can be mounted to a wheelchair or bed. Others address the special swallowing needs of our clients including drinking […]

Shopping Survey from the Equal Rights Center Disability Rights Program

With the holiday season behind us, it is likely that you or someone you know spent some amount of time navigating through and purchasing gifts from a number of stores. Did you happen to come across any problems regarding ease of accessibility at any of those stores? If so, the Equal Rights Center (ERC) wants […]