Wade Wingler, Director of Assistive Technology at the INDATA Project, explains how you find accessibility issues on your website.
Posts in the Services category:
Monday Tech Tip: Part 1 of Web Accessibility Tips from the INDATA Project
Wade Winger, Director of Assistive Technology at the INDATA Project, explains why accessibility is important when building a website.
Monday Tech Tip: Using Your Face as a Switch with iOS7
The INDATA Project’s Brian Norton explains how the new Apple iOS7 allows people to use head movements as a switch. This is useful for people who may be unable to use the touch interface of an Apple product.
3 Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
When the Americans with Disabilities Act came into effect in 1990, schools were required by the government to accommodate the needs of students with disabilities. This began breaking down many barriers that prevented students from accessing educational resources and technology. It has enabled thousands of students to enjoy the full benefits of a college education. Many scholarships […]
Assistive Technology for People with Autism
People with Autism may need assistance doing every day tasks or communicating with the people around them. Below is a short list of assistive technology services and products that may be helpful for your or a loved one with Autism. The Center for AAC and Autism The Center for AAC and Autism aims to build […]
National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program partners with Easter Seals Crossroads
iCanConnect has a the National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program that aims to “ensure that every person with combined hearing and vision loss has access to modern telecommunication tools and the training necessary to use them, granting every individual the opportunity to interact with the world as an involved, contributing member of society.” The outreach program […]