It’s squishy, it’s square and it’s smashable…any idea what it could be? Try the next great musical instrument for children with any combination of cognitive, physical or behavioral difficulties , the Skoog. Ideal for therapy, fun and creativity the Skoog makes playing and experimenting with music accessible for all. Between 2003 and 2005, The Tapestry […]
Posts in the Services category:
Assistive Technology Internet Radio Station Launched
In January, 2012, the INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads launched This web site streams 24 hours a day, seven days a week and includes all kinds of information about technology designed to increase the independence of people with disabilities. Examples of content include episodes of our flagship podcast “Assistive Technology Update”, our weekly […]
Friday Podcast: Super Bowl 2012 Indianapolis and Accessibility for People with Disability
Information from the INDATA Project is now available via podcast! Every Friday, the INDATA Project will release two podcasts featuring new assistive technology projects. The podcasts are available for viewing on the INDATA Project website and on iTunes. The “Assistive Technology Update” is a fast-paced weekly update for AT professionals and enthusiasts. The “Accessibility Minute” is designed […]
Helpful apps for iPhone
There are literally hundreds of thousands of apps for the iPhone and other IOS devices. With so many options to choose from it can be difficult to pick which really do their job. The game gets trickier when you are a person living with a disability. The following list is a compilation of apps that […]
Website seeks justice for handicapped drivers
We’ve all had that day, you know the one; it’s raining, it’s cold, you’re running late, you have 10 minutes to make it to the store before it closes and there is only one parking spot open, the spot reserved for the handicapped. Thinking it’ll just be this one time, promising yourself you will never […]
Farming after the war: for some, it will never be the same
A recent White House report indicated that while only 17% of the U.S. population lives in rural areas, rural residents account for 44% of the military. These rural veterans and military officers are returning to their ranches, farms and rural communities with disabilities such as post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) and brain injuries at high rates. […]