Apps and services for children with disabilities

With thousands and thousands of applications designed to help those with disabilities, it can be incredibly overwhelming to pick which one is going to work the best; however, one website is working to change that. Paired with Easter Seals of Greater Houston, parents, therapists, doctors and teachers are sharing information about how to use […]

Announcing Full Day Training Topics for 2012

As 2011 comes to a close, it’s time to start thinking about the new year ahead. What better way to get excited about some assistive technology than to announce the topics of our full day trainings for 2012? Ladies and gentlemen….the list: 2012 Full Day Trainings: January-Higher Education and Assistive Technology April-Alzheimers/Dementia and Assistive Technology June-Assistive […]

Teddy’s Ts, More than just a business

Teddy Fitzmaurice attends school, is the president of his own business and loves to travel. In fact there are not many things this young man hasn’t done; he’s even met former President Bill Clinton, something he said he felt very lucky to do. What make these accomplishments even more momentous is that Teddy lives with […]

500 Strong

Today’s post marks an important day in the life of the INDATA blog, it has officially turned 500! Well, it’s the 500th blog post that is. So we’re going to keep today light and fun, with a little assistive technology of course, and take a few minutes to find out what you (our audience) have […]

Fashion for all, local student wants to make everyone look fabulous

Growing up, Courtney Carroll can remember her mother taking her brothers to the store and having no problem finding clothes for them.  It was easy.  However, Carroll never had the same experience. Living with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or OI for short, Carroll found it hard and challenging to buy clothes as a child. Dependent on a […]

Maintaining clear communication with ALS patients

Being able to communicate clearly helps to define us as individuals; it gives us our personality, expresses our thoughts and creates relationships with friends and family. However, ALS often robs an individual of this distinctly human capability. Lacking the ability to speak is often the ultimate form of isolation for a person living with ALS, […]