WatchMinder: Vibrating Watch and Reminder System

There are several options available for individuals with ADHD, asthma, diabetes, etc., to ensure that they are staying on track with their medications and more.  And with all the smart devices on the market today, there are many apps specifically designed to aide said individuals.  However, Dr. Laurence Becker, child psychologist, felt alerts on phones […]

Tablet computers and apps for the holidays!

In part two of our recent, 4th annual assistive technology holiday shopping show, our friends at Bridging Apps listed their top suggestions for anyone considering a tablet computer for someone as a holiday gift. Here is what they suggested. Top tablet recommendations : iPad mini: The iPad mini is very easy to use, has many […]

Aukey Special Edition Video Magnifier

Are you looking to buy an affordable video magnifier for yourself or maybe for a loved one?  Well, search no longer!  MaxiAids is offering their Aukey Special Edition Video Magnifier specially priced for the holidays! Children and adults with low vision find that reading text on the go–or even at home–can be quite challenging.  With this Aukey Special Edition […]

Top 10 Tips for Buying Toys for Kids with Special Needs (and toy recommendations)

Toys R Us publishes a wonderful toy guide, Toys R Us Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids, that helps parents pick out gifts for kids with special needs. Their goal is to help people find the right gift based on a child’s ability and identify toys that will stimulate them and promote development. The guide lists the […]

TATTS: Taking Autism to the Sky

Is it a bird?  Is it a plane?  Nope!  It’s a drone flying above, sure to make your child’s day!  Assistive technology can be as portable as a smartphone or as unwieldy as a wheelchair desk.  And now assistive technology may be found soaring through the mighty sky!  In the spring of 2013, “Taking Autism to the Sky,” otherwise referred to […]