Bye-bye wheelchairs

Sooner than we think, wheelchairs may begin to be a thing of the past. One company, Ekso Bionics to be exact, is rethinking how people confined to wheelchairs may be able to move again, trading in the wheels for a pair of robotic legs. Through partnerships with UC Berkley, research grants from the Department of […]

Typing strategies for people with Dyslexia

For many, living with dyslexia is a challenge that presents itself on a daily basis. However, with new advances in technology and a deeper understanding of the condition, people living with dyslexia now have options that can help them learn to make sense of the words they perceive. While the standard keyboard may not be […]

Push it to the limit, no matter what

Many people would agree that life is what you make of it. Our attitudes and dispositions affect how we go about our lives just as much as our physical ability to do so does. No Barriers USA is one organization that begs to answer the question, no matter your age, state of mind or ability, […]

The loan library list keeps growing!!

It seems like only a short time ago we announced some new additions to our  lending loan library, where you can borrow Assistive Technology for FREE for 30 days, and we are growing faster than ever and want to keep you all in the loop. However, before we get to meet the new additions to […]

Monday Tech Tip: Voice Over for those with learning disabilities

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