HIMS Announces First Voice Recognition DAISY Player

On July 5, HIMS Inc. introduced the industry’s fist voice recognition DAISY player.  A DAISY player is a device that assists people who are visually impaired or have difficulty interacting with print documents. People that benefit from using a DAISY player could be people who are blind, people with muscle degeneration and others.  A DAISY […]

Friday Podcast

Information from the INDATA Project is now available via podcast! Every Friday, the INDATA Project will release two podcasts featuring new assistive technology projects. The podcasts are available for viewing on the INDATA Project website and on iTunes. The “Assistive Technology Update” is a fast-paced weekly update for AT professionals and enthusiasts. The “Accessibility Minute” […]

iPad App, TouchChat, Serves as Augmentative Communication Device

TouchChat is a full-feature application for the iPod and iPad. It turns your Apple product into an augmentative communication tool, a device that uses visual images to represent words so people who can’t speak have a way to communicate. Augmentative Communication devices use simple pictures to illustrate words or phrases the user would like to […]

iPhone Apps for the Visually Impaired

Many applications are available from Apple for the iPhone and serve as assisistive technology. These apps are opening a new world for people who are blind or have vision impairments because it allows them to virtually see. In previous blog posts, INDATA featured Looktel Money Reader and VizWiz in our weekly Tech Tip videos. Below, […]