Eyespeak monitor device

Ability Drive Collaboration Promotes Independence

Ability Drive™ gives those individuals in powered wheelchairs the ability to drive by their eyes. Using virtual buttons and eye gaze technology, people who aren’t able to use a joystick can regain their movement independence. And now Tolt Technologies, the maker of Ability Drive, is teaming up with Talk To Me Technologies. The collaboration will […]

bucklebee car seat aid

Bucklebee car seat release tool

A few weeks ago I wrote about UnbuckleMe, which is a small tool that makes it easier for adults to unbuckle a car seat.  Another similar product is Bucklebee.  However, unlike UnbuckleMe, Bucklebee is an easy car seat buckle release aid for adults and children. According to the product’s website: “This allows responsible children to […]

Hand using button on Komp

Komp Bridges the Communication Gap

Computers, tablets and smartphones make it easier to shop, bank and keep in touch with friends and family. However, studies as recent as 2019 found that 2.8 million people over 75 years old did not use the internet, and only seven percent of that same age group made regular video calls. In the U.S., statistics […]

unbuckleme car seat buckle release tool

Unbuckle car seats easier with UnbuckleMe

Unbuckling car seats can be challenging for individuals with arthritis, poor dexterity, and more.  Shark Tank featured a revolutionary product that can make unbuckling car seats easier: introducing UnbuckleMe! Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) require infant and child car seat buckles to require a minimum release force of 40 Newtons or about 9 pounds […]

INDATA partners with AgrAbility

A Perfect Dovetailing of INDATA and AgrAbility

Thanks to INDATA’s recently announced partnership with Indiana AgrAbility, Assistive Technology Technician Lisa Becker is embracing her childhood dreams more than ever before. Indiana AgrAbility is a USDA-sponsored program that assists farmers, ranchers and other agricultural workers with disabilities. Becker helps find and demonstrate assistive technology for these workers, whom she has deemed “the most […]

collis curve toothbrush

Collis Curve Toothbrush

Traditional toothbrushes are not always ideal for individuals with oral sensitivities.  If you or a loved one have autism, Alzheimer’s, or other special needs, check out the Collis Curve Toothbrush. The Collis Curve Toothbrush is a three-sided toothbrush that features short center bristles to clean occlusal surfaces and two outer rows of curved bristles.   Here’s […]