Enhanced Vision Introduces the “Transformer USB”

Enhanced Vision,  America’s leading manufacturer of electronic magnifying devices for the visually impaired, has  launched a flexible solution that will bring independence to many people currently struggling with various low vision conditions including Macular Degeneration, Retinitis Pigmentosa or Stargardt’s disease. The Transformer USB is a 3-in-1 Computer Compatible Portable Electronic Magnifier that has an  intuitive […]

HollyRod Foundation Donating iPads to Nonverbal Children Who Have Autism

The HollyRod Foundation is donating Apple iPads to children who have autism and are either nonverbal or have severe difficulty communicating.  According to the foundation, one in every 110 kids has been diagnosed with Autism, and 25% of those may never develop verbal communication.  Fortunately, the iPad in combination with special software can give many […]

AbleLink Technologies Announces Everyday Skills for the iPad

AbleLink Technologies, the nation’s leading developer of cognitive support technology, has announced the release of Everyday Skills for the iPad platform. This second offering in AbleLink’s series of accessible task playing Apps features self-directed learning sessions for 40 important skills, all vital for living independently and accessing the community, based on proven content developed by […]

RJ Cooper AT Guide for the Holidays

INDATA would like to introduce our newest blogger and social media intern Shelby Walton.  Shelby is a junior at Butler University and studies Public Relations and French.  She will be writing posts, filming videos and assisting INDATA with social media outreach.  Welcome, Shelby! The holiday season is fast approaching! Shopping for friends and family can […]

Google Voice App Available for iPhone

Apple has just released The Google Voice HTML 5 web app for the iPhone. Google Voice, which is also available for Blackberry and Android smart phones, is a program that gives people full control over the functions of their phones. The app can be operated without regard to your specific wireless carrier. While it is […]

Fix the Web wants YOU to Address Accessibility

Fix the Web is a new web accessibility service that puts the microphone (or keyboard, in this case) in the user’s hands.  Web accessibility is on the minds of those who work in assistive technology because the adaptive software or hardware that someone might use to access a website is ultimately controlled by the accessibility […]