ATIA Webinar Series

Don’t miss the next two webinars in the ATIA 2010 Webinar Series on: Explore over 25 iPad, iTouch, and iPhone applications that can benefit individuals with disabilities Learn appropriate practices and opportunities for considering and incorporating AT in the IEP  – including discussions on IDEA misconceptions, realities, mandates, and funding sources Join us on Thursday, […]

Robots Designed to Assist People with Disabilities

The world’s most sophisticated robots do not assemble trucks or cruise around Mars, but they are being designed to help support our surging population of elderly and persons with disabilities.  The rise of helpful machines are assisting individuals to become more independent in their daily living.  The following are some of the robotic devices that […]

Ablegamers on CNN’s Edge of Discovery

The AbleGamers Foundation’s mission is to empower people with disabilities to enjoy digital revolution that is taking place in gaming.  They are a nonprofit organization that provides video game accessibility for the disabled gamer. Recently, AbleGamers has been recognized by CNN for their work.  They will be featured on CNN’s Edge of Discovery during the […]