ClearMask – See the person, not the mask!

What a surreal year 2020 has been so far!  I never thought I’d miss something as simple as sitting in a restaurant or going shopping at the mall.  Anywhere you go, you see individuals covering their faces with medical and handmade masks.  Prior to seeing everyone in masks, I had no idea how much I relied on […]

Cleaning Your Assistive Technology Devices

Cleaning is more important now than ever before as we continue to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Although many people are keeping quarantined at home, it’s virtually impossible to avoid having to run errands — unless you have some kind of fallout shelter stocked up with food and supplies! Think of all the bacteria you pick […]

LumiPets Nightlight

Looking for a nightlight for your child?  LumieWorld is a company on a mission to “bring the world of illumination to children and parents.”  One of their adorable products is the LumiPets nightlight!  This is not your ordinary nightlight, though.  Keep on reading to learn more. LumiPets are the most “technologically innovative, kid and parent […]


With the current COVID-19 situation, many of us are spending more time at home and using devices that are connected to the Internet to work, shop, communicate with loved ones, or for entertainment. All of our devices being connected to the Internet can create many conveniences, but can also create privacy issues.   Devices such […]

Asobu Pill Organizer Water Bottle

Picture this: you’re running late for work.  You’re frantically rushing to get ready.  You grab your keys, a cup of joe, wallet/purse, and most likely your favorite water bottle.  Once you finally make it in to work, you realize you forgot to take your morning meds.  The Asobu Pill Organizer Water Bottle eliminates this issue […]

Jensen Residential ADA Swing

One of the things getting me through this frigid weather is the idea of the golden sun soon warming my face.  When I was a child, one of my favorite playtimes was swinging.  If you’re looking for a swing for your child with special needs, check out the Jensen Residential ADA Swing! The Jensen Residential […]