Earlier this year, I wrote about a museum exhibit featuring tactile paintings for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Now, a company called E.A.S.Y. Tactile Graphics is painting a new canvas of possibilities for individuals with vision impairments. The company’s mission statement states: “We firmly believe that drawing is not reserved solely for the sighted, and […]
Posts in the Products and Devices category:
Language Builder from Stages App
Language Builder Picture Cards is a top-selling curriculum tool for autism. The developers behind this tool also offer Language Builder, an app featuring six core autism educational activities. The app is professionally designed and used by therapists, teachers, and parents to teach basic language skills to children with autism, speech-language delay or special needs. The […]
6 Toys for Motor Skill Development–Part 2: Holiday Gift Guide 2015
Last Wednesday, I wrote Part One of the series of blogs entitled Holiday Gift Guide 2015 featuring 8 auditory gift ideas. As promised, throughout the next few weeks, I will be providing different lists of gift ideas for loved ones with (or without!) special needs. This week’s list focuses on toys to help develop fine and gross motor skills. Since we […]
uChoose helps children be prepared for everyday situations
InteractAble was developed in 2012 by Allison D’Eugenio and Jane Rapaport, who has been a special needs educator for more than two decades. Throughout her years working with students with special needs, Rapaport noticed there wasn’t a “truly effective way of helping students internalize social skills lessons.” Thus, Rapaport and D’Eugenio launched InteractAble and soon released […]
8 Toys for Auditory Development–2015 Holiday gift guide for children with special needs: Part 1
This morning I awoke to sparkling frost covering blades of grass and my van’s windows. Though I am not at all ready for the cold (nor will I ever be!), the feeling of Jack Frost nipping at my nose always makes me grin from ear to ear because I know the holiday season will soon be here! […]
Claria Zoom app for Android
Individuals who have macular degeneration, glaucoma, etc., commonly experience low vision. Smartphones offer a myriad of benefits to their users, but individuals with visual impairments may be limited to its functions. Claria Zoom is an award-winning app making these smartphones more accessible and easier-to-read for individuals with low vision. Claria Zoom is an Android app with a large character […]